Green Lantern Should Not Have a Reboot or Sequel, at Least Not Yet - Opinion

There is an editorial piece online about what should be done with Green Lantern on the big screen after last summer's movie flopped. Should it be rebooted entirely? Or should it just have a sequel to try to fix what was wrong with the first film?

Well, we here at The Daily SuperHero have our own quick opinion on the subject matter and it goes like this.

Take Green Lantern and put him off to the side for a while and focus on the other solo hero flicks that will lead into a Justice League of America ensemble movie. Next, you bring the Green Lantern back for the JLA movie and revise him how you need to.

Then, you give him some screen time in JLA and follow up that movie with another Green Lantern film. If done properly, you can fix what was wrong in the first movie without having to force another sequel or full reboot so soon and before the big ensemble film hits theaters.

But right now thinking sequel or reboot is just too soon.

Warner and DC need to take a step back and move forward without Green Lantern for now and somehow build back up to his re-appearance in JLA. It's easy, simply and the most logical way to save Green Lantern on the big screen. At least it is in our opinion it is. 

Hope you're listening Warner and/or DC.