With the sequel to X-Men Origins: First Class, called X-Men: Days of Future Past, set to start shooting in early 2013, more and more information regarding casting should be hitting the Internet starting with this potential huge rumor.
Apparently, one of the members of a podcast called Comic Book Club has info regarding a certain Professor X role being reprised by the one and only Patrick Stewart.
Bleeding Cool listening in and wrote:
Take this with a grain of salt, as per usual, but this would make complete sense seeing as how the next X-Men movie is supposed to have some time travel elements in it in order to create one cohesive X-Men movie universe for 20th Century Fox. Since Stewart was Professor X, in the original trilogy, it only makes sense for him to be a part of the new film via a cameo or in a limited role/appearance.
He did it for X-Men Origins: Wolverine so why not X-Men: Days of Future Past too?
Follow @Daily_SuperHero
Follow @TheDanielWolf
More stories on X-Men:
The Wolverine to be 'Stand Alone' Movie Possibly to Integrate Character Back into X-Men: Days of Future Past
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With the sequel to X-Men Origins: First Class, called X-Men: Days of Future Past, set to start shooting in early 2013, more and more information regarding casting should be hitting the Internet starting with this potential huge rumor.
Apparently, one of the members of a podcast called Comic Book Club has info regarding a certain Professor X role being reprised by the one and only Patrick Stewart.
Bleeding Cool listening in and wrote:
"One of its regulars, who works in an Apple store, found themselves serving Patrick Stewart this week. He’d lost the plug for his iPhone, as you do. Or at least as I do.
And, after getting Stewart to say 'Magneto' and 'Weapon X' a few times asked 'So… another X-Men movie?'
And he nodded."
Take this with a grain of salt, as per usual, but this would make complete sense seeing as how the next X-Men movie is supposed to have some time travel elements in it in order to create one cohesive X-Men movie universe for 20th Century Fox. Since Stewart was Professor X, in the original trilogy, it only makes sense for him to be a part of the new film via a cameo or in a limited role/appearance.
He did it for X-Men Origins: Wolverine so why not X-Men: Days of Future Past too?
Follow @Daily_SuperHero
Follow @TheDanielWolf
More stories on X-Men:
The Wolverine to be 'Stand Alone' Movie Possibly to Integrate Character Back into X-Men: Days of Future Past
X-Men: Days of Future Past Movie Title Officially Announced
X-Men Origins First Class 2: Sentinels Need to be in a Days of Future Past Plot Please
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