A Star Wars Opinion: Disney should use Mark Hamill in Episode VII

Depending on when the new Star Wars trilogy takes place, it seems unlikely that the original actors would actually reprise their roles in the new set of films. But let's go on a hypothetical journey looking at some of the original actors like Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford.

Starting with Ford, who is the easiest to peg right off the bat. He probably won't come back as an older Han Solo because he is publicly adamant about the fact he won't do anything Star Wars-related when it comes to going to conventions and the sort. So no older Han Solo unless Disney pressures him just as George Lucas and Steven Spielberg did to get him to play Indiana Jones again, so anything is possible.

Moving on to Fisher, who loves Star Wars and could come back as an older Leia but without Solo, what's the point? So Ford's lack of Star Wars love could nix Fisher's potential for a comeback unless it is written that Solo has passed away and then we can see Leia as an older master Jedi.

Speaking of master Jedi, this brings us to Hamill as Luke Skywalker. This should be a no-brainer and Hamill should comeback to the franchise that launched his career as an Obi-Wan Kenobi-like mentor/master for a young Jedi to learn from. If there is one thing that was consistent throughout the first two trilogies it was having an older mentor for a younger Jedi.

Time for Luke to not only be a master Jedi but Hamill is the perfect age, if Disney decides to place the next Star Wars trilogy approximately 30 years after the events of Return of the Jedi. Hamill is 61 and Luke was somewhere around 25 in Return of the Jedi so the ages would pretty much line up.

Again, this is just an opinion but why not bring back Hamill as Luke Skywalker? The fan base would go bonkers for that casting move alone!

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