The Wolverine is confirmed to be Fox's starting point of their new cohesive X-Men and Fantastic Four movie universe

Disney / Marvel

Not too many people know X-Men and Fantastic Four as intricately as 20th Century Fox's Marvel universe creative consultant Mark Millar. He worked for years at Marvel with both comic book teams, as their respective writer.

After individual big screen success with some of his own original comic book properties like Wanted and Kick-Ass, Millar is looking to continue his Hollywood success by helping Fox to create one cohesive universe for their X-Men franchises, moving forward. And to reboot, and incorporate, Fox's Fantastic Four franchise into that same movie universe as well, followed by a huge crossover film with both teams.

And it's all starting with next summer's The Wolverine—which we here at The Daily SuperHero reported from one of our sources was to be the "lead-in" of a new cohesive universe back in August.

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"I felt like 'Iron Man' was really the beginning of something for the Marvel Studios movies, and 'The Wolverine' will be a similar starting point to build a lot off of for the Fox movies," Millar said to the website Comic Book Resources.

Millar also spoke about his vision for a singular X-Men and Fantastic Four movie universe to Empire Online.

"The X-Men feels like a universe by itself; there's so many characters and so many great potential spin-off characters. They asked me to come in and work out a plan, so unfortunately at this point I can't get too specific," Millar said. "I DO have a three to four year plan of where things could go, but you know, I'll be working with guys like Matthew [Vaughn as a producer, Bryan Singer as a director] and Josh Trank (the new director of 'Fantastic Four') and just figuring out how everything can work together and not contradict each other.

"But I also don't want to make it too much of a mess either, with everyone showing up in everyone else's films. What my dream is, as a fan, is that when you go and see any Marvel movie that it feels as if they're all taking place in the one universe like in the comics."

A 3-4 year plan? Sounds very interesting. Definitely stay tuned as news and rumors are sure to start flowing out like crazy now that X-Men: Days of Future Past is confirmed to start shooting in April 2013, as well.

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