EXCLUSIVE: CAPTAIN AMERICA 2 Crew Receives Badass Hoodie With a Winter Soldier Sleeve!

Captain America: The Winter Soldier wrapped several month ago during the summer months. While filming its principle photography, crews spent some time in Los Angeles and Washington D.C. and spent most of their production days in Cleveland.

Now in post-production The Daily SuperHero has received visual confirmation that crew members are starting to received one of the coolest, badass gifts for their work on the film. Each are each getting a Captain America: The Winter Soldier hoodie.

The hoodie is blue with Cap logos on all sides of it but the coolest thing about this freebie is the grey sleeve with a red star on it. Yes that is a Winter Soldier sleeve! Very, very cool!

Whether or not Marvel Studios will release this hoodie to the general public remains to be seen but at least you'll get your first exclusive look at it in the photo provided below. Check out...
