Funny Photoshop Pic of Ben Affleck Wearing a TEAM BATFLECK Shirt Goes Viral and All Some Can Do is Hate Over it

"It's a fake!"

"You're an a-hole by tweeting a fake pic and not saying it was a fake."

"F*** you!"

These paraphrased quotes are just some of what I have had to deal with today after posting a funny photoshopped — at least I thought it was clearly photoshopped and some digital artists have also tweeted at me in agreement — photo I saw in a Google search to my Twitter account earlier today. Do I apologize for not saying it was a photoshop fake in the tweet? No. Because I thought it was quite obvious.

However, some are wasting their time tweeting hateful remarks at me because I didn't say it was a fake and only said it is funny. That's because it is funny and it's only becoming funnier that many can be so hateful about this harmless and non-malicious tweet of humor and fun.

It was a funny photo and nothing more. So chill out and enjoy a funny photo. Hopefully Affleck himself sees it and/or this post and laughs too. Maybe he emails The Daily SuperHero and tells me how funny it is and invites me to the Detroit set. Okay, so that last one was fantasy but it was fun to think about for a moment.

Just like this image was supposed to be, fun.

If you want a Batfleck shirt of your own there's plenty to choose from over on RedBubble, just click here.