SDCC 2015 Hall H, July 11: Warner Bros. Opens the Day While Fox Steps into Marvel Studios' Vacated Evening Slot

Chalk this bit of news up as being inevitable. Warner Bros. and 20th Century Fox have officially announced their big movie panels in Hall H at the 2015 San Diego Comic-Con International on Saturday July 11.

Both studios were super vague in what they will be bringing to their respective Hall H panels but logic says they'll both bring their biggest comic book movies since Marvel Studios is not headlining Hall H this year. Speaking of the Hall H headliner, many (me included) thought Warner Bros. would step into the evening time slot Marvel vacated on Saturday night this year, but it will be Fox who closes the festivities on Saturday instead.

Here's what Warner Bros. listed for its presentation on July 11 which will be from 10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. PT (get in line now!):

"A 'sneak peek' at a few upcoming releases from Warner Bros."

Now here's what Fox listed for their panel on July 11 from 5:45 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. PT:

"20th Century Fox Presentation."

Like I said... both studios were super vague. But what I can tell you is that BATMAN V. SUPERMAN: DAWN OF JUSTICE and SUICIDE SQUAD will have a presence during the Warner panel and rumors say the entire main cast of JUSTICE LEAGUE might be assembled on stage together as well.

Regarding Fox: I've heard info from a source. who was corroborated by another source, that DEADPOOL is going to have a larger presence than many expect it to have. It's also been hinted to me Fox will present something for DEADPOOL in their presentation (hoping for sizzle reel footage) and there will be something in store with X-MEN: APOCALYPSE, too. 

Sorry that my info is also pretty vague but it was provided to me like this and I'm really just the messenger as this point.

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