SDCC 2015: Marvel Studios, Sony & Paramount Skip Hall H But There Are Still Big Movie Presentations Left

The 2015 San Diego Comic-Con International will be a little less about movies than it has in previous years as a trifecta of studios will not be attending the annual event.

It was already reported how Marvel Studios would be skipping their huge Hall H panel. This is either due to the fact Marvel already revealed their Phase 3 plans last October, or because they only have one film currently in production and don't have anything cool to show for it, or due to Marvel's presence at Disney's D23 Expo the month after, in August. Whichever the reason Marvel Studios is skipping the event even though ANT-MAN will still have a marketing and exclusive collectible presence at the convention.

Now, Variety is reporting Sony Pictures and Paramount Pictures will skip SDCC as well as corroborating Marvel Studios not attending. The Hollywood trade website cites a studio spokesman saying, “It wasn’t a knock against Comic-Con... the film cycles just didn’t allow it.”

For Sony this makes sense even though they should/could still bring teases for next summer's GHOSTBUSTERS reboot. By the look of the Internet hype, when the reboot started filming in Boston yesterday, Sony should have maintained a Hall H presence if only to bring the cast and director Paul Feig to promote and tease the film. Plus they can't really promote Spider-Man now since they've partnered with Marvel Studios. And even though no one at Sony will ever admit it, Marvel now controls Spidey even though Sony maintains his franchise movie rights.

Paramount has been even quieter, especially since there is not a Transformers movie coming out. The studio has put together a "writers room" of talent to develop the alien robot franchise but this just happened over the last two months. Also they are currently developing the next Star Trek movie, so they have nothing right now for the fanboy/girl event.

Those fans who are attending Comic-Con for the first time, and went through the highly stressful process of acquiring tickets and then spending the inflated costs of hotels and flight to see big Hollywood studio presentations at SDCC should not fret. There are still plenty of big movie studio panels remaining with Lucasfilm since they are bringing STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS to SDCC, 20th Century Fox who I've personally heard are bringing a crazy DEADPOOL presence along bringing some X-MEN: APOCALYPSE teases to San Diego and finally Warner Bros. who will present BATMAN V. SUPERMAN: DAWN OF JUSTICE and perhaps tease SUICIDE SQUAD and maybe other future DC films too.

Sometimes, as Variety's studio spokesmen said, the film cycles don't line up with Comic-Con and it appears that way for 2015.

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