Ch-Ch-Changes: Wasn't Harvey Elder (a.k.a. Mole Man) Supposed to be in FANTASTIC FOUR? Because He Wasn't

[Cue the David Bowie song, "Changes" to play in the background while reading this.]

What happened to actor Tim Blake Nelson playing Harvey Elder a.k.a. Mole Man? Thanks to ComicBook this has been brought up regarding initial FANTASTIC FOUR actor casting announcements.

In May 2014, Nelson confirmed (via Collider) he was cast as Elder. In the comics, Elder becomes one of the Fantastic Four's classic villains Mole Man. Obviously this change was one of those 11th hour changes Fox allegedly told director Josh Trank was going to take place right before filming began last summer. Or it was a post-production change during reported rewrites for reshoots.

Now that FANTASTIC FOUR is in theaters, it can be said that Blake is not playing Elder and there is no chance of him eventually becoming Mole Man because his role and character name was changed to Dr. Allen, who was a part of the Baxter Building board of directors. Not that this really matters because it's widely assumed to be doubtful for Fox to even continue their FANTASTIC FOUR franchise even though they said they are still committed to it.

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