Just Weeks Prior to Release FANTASTIC FOUR Was Presented to the Press With Concepts Unseen in the Movie

This is a somewhat shocking reveal in 'The Curious Case of the FANTASTIC FOUR' saga. The reboot has pretty much already met its fate with a terrible box office opening weekend and add to that all the bad reviews. Regardless of if you think there's too much piling up on what happened with this movie, it's a captivating topic and one where the truth will most likely never be fully revealed.

However, some of the reports coming out now are not only intriguing but they are fascinating as news outlets try to figure out the details of what really went down behind the scenes. In the latest report from Collider, it's revealed the press notes handed out by Fox just a few weeks before the movie release were much different than the product shown on the big screen.

Collider writes:

"I read the Fantastic Four press notes before seeing the film to prep for the press day the other week and was shocked by how much was discussed in the notes that wasn’t reflected in the final cut of the film. So much of the notes are about how a primary goal was to convey that the transformation isn’t a 'great gift' but rather, 'a loss of control of their bodies.' We do see hints of that in the second half of the film, but it’s also fairly evident that that idea might have been pushed aside. In the notes, producer Hutch Parker highlighted, 'For example, Johnny is suffering through the fear of thinking he’s being consumed by fire.' We see him burning uncontrollably at one point, but I most certainly did not get the impression that that sparked some sort of phobia that he had to overcome."

This is compelling data in learning what went down. It almost sounds like Fox had a different FANTASTIC FOUR movie being cut just a few weeks ago and possibly changed it / edited it further in the 11th hour before the film had to be sent out to theaters.