Kathleen Kennedy Convinced Abrams and Kasdan to Work on STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS With the Question, 'Who is Luke Skywalker?'

In the new issue of Entertainment Weekly, Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy tells the story on how she had to convince both writer/director J.J. Abrams and writer Lawrence Kasdan to come join her in a new adventure in a galaxy far, far away. And she did it with a simple question asked to both, 'Who is Luke Skywalker?'

This is the question which got both Abrams and Kasdan immediately saying yes to work on STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS.

“In the context of talking about story and laying out what we were thinking, I said one thing to [J.J.],” Kennedy recalls [when Abrams was on the fence about doing the movie]. 'Who is Luke Skywalker?’ He said, ‘Oh my God, I just got the chills. I’m in,' I mean, it really was almost that quickly.”

The same happened with Kasdan, who was also intrigued about the thought of where the original trilogy heroes would now be 30 years later in the Star Wars universe.

“I thought, ‘Wow, okay, these people have lived — they’re in a different place in their lives, Han and Leia and so on. They’ve lived the same 30 years I have. What would that be like? How would you see things differently?’” Kasdan says. “And I was trying to figure out how I saw things differently, and one of the surprises is that you don’t learn all that much. You haven’t become much wiser than you were, and things are not clearer to you, and the world is just as confusing as it always was — and that’s a kind of lovely thing to get to write about again. Age does not necessarily bring wisdom; it just brings experience.”

This probably won't be the last time you hear the question, 'Who is Luke Skywalker?' asked because it's probably going to be a huge part of the new film (and perhaps new trilogy). Especially since Lucasfilm is keeping things very secretive when it comes to everything about Luke, including his movie look.

STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS releases on December 18, 2015.

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