TEEN TITANS GO! Season 3 Episode '40% 40% 20%' Takes the Show to the Highest Level of Insane Awesomeness
Editorial Full Disclosure: Big TEEN TITANS GO! fan here and my DVR is set to record every one of its new episodes.
I know, I know there are many Teen Titans fans who despise the current incarnation of the show they and live in the past with its old version; which was good in it's own way. However, the slapstick, silly and often trippy nature of this series is something that needs to be lauded.
I've wanted to write a post or two about a few of the recent TEEN TITANS GO! episodes, but Season 3 Episode 5b '40% 40% 20%' has me in such awe of the show's writers I couldn't help myself but to praise it.
If you haven't seen this episode yet, then let these two video teases show you how amazingly crazy the show is. I fully support this show and applaud its writers because they think so far outside of the box for this made-for-kids show that as an adult, I can see more mature themes and concepts that make it one of my favorite animated series on television today.
This is what Comedy Central's 'Moonbeam City' is trying to be like (not a fan, by the way) and TEEN TITANS GO! nailed the style and concept better than that show has been able to in its initial episodes. Some fans may not "get it" with the new show but the point of this version of the Teen Titans is that it's supposed to be fun and outright insane at times. I appreciate this because most cartoons can take themselves too seriously and it's refreshing to have a show that not only is silly but makes fun of itself, often.