THOR: RAGNAROK Said to be a "Buddy Picture" For Hulk and Thor

A few weeks ago when it was first reported that actor Mark Ruffalo would bring Bruce Banner and the Hulk to Asgard in THOR: RAGNAROK, one of my closest friends texted me this based on this news: "Buddy cop movie." Now, while Ragnarok may not be straight a "buddy cop movie" it seems to be a "buddy movie" nevertheless.

In an interview with NY Daily News, Ruffalo said the following.

"I don't really know that much about it, but I think it's going to be a buddy picture with Thor and Bruce Banner."

Ruffalo, then, went on to say how he thinks Hulk and Thor will fight at some point in the movie.

"I think they'll probably fight. There's no doubt, everyone wants us to fight at one point."

Yes! Everyone wants to see Thor and Hulk fight some more after their fantastic battle on the Helicarrier in THE AVENGERS.

THOR: RAGNAROK will begin filming in June 2016 in Australia and releases on November 3, 2017.

To read more about Ragnarok, click here.

(Mello, looks like you called it!)