Star Wars Merch: Slave Leia Rumored to be Retired Meanwhile Disney Store Has Her Online Right Now

Editorial: This is such a weird rumor and will be classified as rumor until further clarification from Lucasfilm and/or Disney.

According to Marvel comic book artist J. Scott Campbell, via MakingStarWars, Disney is retiring the Slave Leia name and look. The artist says he is not allowed to draw the outfit and a statue was halted from production with a high end collectible company. In the opinion of The Daily SuperHero this is due to what can only be described as excessive political correctness.

It's a classic and iconic look not only for the history of the Star Wars franchise, but in pop culture. Halloween just passed and how many Slave Leia outfits did you see in costume stores or your big box retailer costume aisle? They were definitely there. Plus, I can't begin to tell you how many cosplayers I see at San Diego Comic-Con dressed as her every summer I go.

Then there is this strange fact... you can go to the Disney Store website RIGHT NOW and buy a Mr. Potato Head Leia in her skimpy metal bikini and in a large figure set too. These might be the only two options for this version of Leia but the fact remains that if there was an issue with the name and/or look of this version of Leia, then these two new products would not have been recently added to Disney's online store for purchase.

Now I'm not here to say that Campbell is wrong but the other side of the story needed to be told because other websites are solely focused on what Campbell said and reporting it so one-sided. There's still Slave Leia merch out there and Disney knows it.

Maybe there is a slow fade-out of this Leia merch but it's still out there in production, like the Walmart exclusive Funko pack in the lead pic of this post, and being sold as brand new. And women (some men, too) will never stop dressing up in Slave Leia costumes.