Marvel TV Head Says Rumor of a PUNISHER Spin-Off is Speculation and is Hopeful Fans Embrace Him in DAREDEVIL Season 2

In mid-January word hit the web that Netflix loves actor Jon Bernthal's portrayal as Frank Castle / the Punisher in DAREDEVIL Season 2 so much that they were considering a PUNISHER spin-off series. Over a month later and Marvel Television head Jeph Loeb has touched on the topic in a recent interview with the website DigitalSpy.

“I think that’s something that people are speculating on, as opposed to something that’s actually happening. It’s certainly our hope that any of our characters will be embraced and that people want to see more of them.”

This is neither a confirmation or a denial, so a PUNISHER series on Netflix could still in the cards. Netflix and the number of viewers for Season 2 really control the destiny of future Marvel Netflix seasons and spin-offs. However, word around media circles from those who have been able to see a few episodes of Season 2 say that Bernthal is everything fans want to see from the character and that's more than promising toward a possible PUNISHER spin-off series.