AGENT CARTER Season 2 Finale: A Hollywood Ending

It’s here. The bittersweet finale. We finally get an ending to this story, but it leaves us with more questions that need to be explored. We began at the stand-off between Peggy and Jack who are about to shoot each other, except an alarm goes off in the building stopping their actions. Rushing in, they see that Jason (who is apparently not dead) has expelled all the zero matter and instead it is being sucked up by Whitney. A surprising reappearance by Howard and Jarvis, who run over Whitney giving them enough time to get the heck out of dodge. 

After absorbing all the zero matter from Jason, Whitney is busy planning to open a new zero matter door to permanently stay open. 

Manfredi, her mob boss boyfriend, is concerned about Whitney and goes as far as to go to Peggy and the others for help. After a strange reunion between Manfredi and Howard (weirdest friendship ever), they agree to help him. 

Manfredi lures Whitney away by pretending to need her torture skills. Peggy and Sousa sneak in to get pictures of her equations to open up the zero matter portal. They decide to beat her to the punch. The group works to find a way to create a Rift Generator to lure Whitney to the studio lot. While they are working, Peggy sends Jack off to pick up dinner orders. Yes, it’s obvious payback. 

While making the call in Vernon's office, Jack finds the mysterious Arena club pin that keeps showing up. Jack shares this with Peggy and that it is also a key. 

As soon as they set up the Rift Generator and open up the zero matter black hole, Whitney is successfully baited towards it. There they shoot her with the gamma cannon and the black matter is released from Whitney and sucked into the rift. Whitney is successfully stopped... a little too easy. 

The rift is growing unstable by the minute and although everyone volunteered to close it, Sousa is the one who takes action and goes to manually shut it down, within the rift danger zone. Peggy, Howard, Jason and Jack are holding onto the rope as hard as they can to stop Sousa from being sucked into the rift. Jarvis, with the help of Samberly, puts the bomb from the cannon into Howard's car and sends it into the rift, successfully closing it and saving Sousa's life. 

Now that everything has been fixed, Peggy says her goodbyes to Jason and Ana. Jarvis gives her a ride to the SSR to wrap up some business. Peggy is reprimanded by Sousa who says she shouldn’t have risked herself. Overcome with passion, Peggy kisses Sousa, signifying the start of their relationship. 

It felt like Whitney's story was wrapped up a little too neatly for me. Although she was last seen in a mental institution, hallucinating about her late husband, it still felt like the end of her story. 

The ominous final scene isn’t about Whitney, however, it is about Jack. We can hear from Jack’s side of a telephone conversation that Peggy has decided to extend her vacation (most likely to spend time with Sousa). There is constant knocking on the door that leads him to open it and get shot straight in the chest. So sad. Right after he showed potential into not being a complete douche. The unknown figure then walks into the room taking the file about Peggy’s alleged dirty past. 

Now that Jason has a job with Stark, he plans to move to Malibu. This tosses him out as a contender for Peggy’s heart. Sousa gets points for taking action when everyone was in danger. He may not be so bad for Peggy after all. He better not screw it up. 

This finale definitely left things open for a third season. With Peggy deciding to stay in California, is this a permanent stay or temporary? Howard and the Jarvis’ seem content with their home there, but we do know Howard is a jet-setter and could always move. And Jack was shot, possibly killed by a strange figure who seems to be after one thing, the file on Peggy. This seems to be a hint into someone going directly after Peggy herself? Could it be a Arena Club member? And if so, where does this pin/key come into the mix. 

The finale sets the stage for a potentially interesting third season during the mid-season break of AGENTS OF SHIELD. However, there is no word yet on a renewal, but there is still time for the network to get on board with more AGENT CARTER

Written by Carly B., AGENT CARTER & SUPERGIRL Beat Writer -- Click here to read Carly's posts.

[Editor note: AGENT CARTER Season 2 wasn't green lit until the last possible moment that ABC could move forward with a new season, last May, so Season 3 still has a chance at a renewal.]

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