First THE LEGO BATMAN MOVIE Images Released and Plot Tease

USA Today is reporting the following about next year's THE LEGO BATMAM MOVIE:

"The story is set around the solitary figure in his killer hide-out — all the Batsuits and silk kimonos he wants — but whose main relationship is with his butler Alfred (voiced by Ralph Fiennes). Batman’s world upends with the introduction of Dick Grayson (or Robin, voiced by Michael Cera) and Barbara Gordon (or Batgirl, voiced by Rosario Dawson). 
"Besides Batman’s nemesis The Joker (voiced by Zach Galifianakis), McKay’s team has included female roles in the traditionally “guy-centric” Bat-story. Mariah Carey voices Gotham's mayor, for example. Batman will also be joined by a league of superhero friends."

Will Arnett returns to reprise his role as the LEGO minfigure Dark Knight, from The LEGO Movie, by lending his deep voice as well as his comedic delivery.

“We get down to that perfect sweet spot for Batman, but also having moments of hesitation," Arnett says. "There’s nothing better than a guy who has this super-authoritative, brooding, voice but also moments where he’s a bit unsure.”

The first teaser trailer for THE LEGO BATMAN MOVIE is coming this week and just in time to (probably) debut on the big screen in front of BATMAN V. SUPERMAN: DAWN OF JUSTICE this weekend.

THE LEGO BATMAN MOVIE releases on February 10, 2017.

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