Marvel Studios Has Spoken With GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL. 2 Director James Gunn About a Third Movie

GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL. 2 is filming at Pinewood Studios in Atlanta right now for its May 5, 2017 release. Writer and director James Gunn is always active on his social media accounts doing Q&A with fans, teasing the new movie and posting behind the scenes photos.

During many of his Q&A sessions, on Facebook, fans have asked Gunn if he will return for a third GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY movie. In a new Facebook video post, Gunn addressed it.

“Right now I really am just concerned with doing Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2. I’m not sure what I’m going to do after this… Marvel has talked to me about continuing on. I’m not sure if that’s what I want to do or if that’s not what I want to do. I really just want to make Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 the greatest possible movie that I can, and something that’s as honest and sincere and true as it can possibly be.”

Of course the studio wants Gunn to return because he took was was, at the time, a huge risk helming GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY and made it a worldwide phenomenon as a blockbuster movie. And of course fans are more than excited to see GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL. 2 when it comes out next summer so it makes sense that they (and Marvel) would love to see Gunn return for a third movie, too.

But can we let the man work on and finish Vol. 2 before any third movie talk? Putting together these movies is a long process that usually takes about two years of a person's life from development, to writing it, to filming it to its release. That's an exhausting process for anyone who is both a writer and a director.

Let's wait and have GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL. 2 finish filming first. But the fact that Marvel Studios is already interested in continuing to have Gunn beyond the sequel is definitely a great sign. Although it was not specified if Marvel wants Gunn for a third Guardians movie or to direct a third Marvel Studios film that's not within the Guardians franchise. (Seems logical to want him to return for Guardians 3 though.)

Take your time Mr. Gunn to make the best movie possible and not get burnt-out thinking too much about a possible third movie before finishing the current one you're working on.

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