SUPERGIRL Season 1 Episode 16: 'Falling' Recap

After a two week break we are back to our regularly scheduled SUPERGIRL programming. Cat, of course, is promoting Supergirl on 'The Talk.' Yep. With the full cast grilling her about her relationship with Supergirl and her opinion on her good deeds. Cat praises her kindness and capabilities as a superhero.

Kara is surprisingly pleased at Cat’s praise of her alter ego, but her good mood is shattered after walking in on Winn with her workplace nemesis and co-assistant Siobhan in a janitorial closet. We assume they weren’t using the cleaning supplies either. 

She also learns that James and Lucy broke up and Lucy left Catco. James tries to ensure her that she wasn't the reason that they broke up. Even though she is exactly the reason. After Lucy realized that James could tell Kara things that he hadn’t even discussed with her, she knew that he loved her. 

This leaves an opening for Kara. Alex tells her to go for it before someone else snags James up. Kara is unsure, but before they can continue their conversation, they they get a visit from Senator Crane (who Supergirl saved before). She has come to openly flirts with Hank and let them know she is trying to get more money in the budget. 

Supergirl flies off to save a fireman but while at the scene, she is affected by a substance. As she flies off, it is shown to be Red Kryptonite. This changes Kara drastically and rapidly. She starts dresses differently, has a devil may care attitude and is overly confident about her job as Supergirl and even lets an alien who has been used in armored car heists get away and gets Siobhan fired from her job as Cat’s second assistant. Kara even gets into an argument with Hank about how he refuses to let people know about how he is really a Martian. Everyone starts to notice how differently Kara is acting. 

Her new evil side is shown that when James rejects Kara at the club, she flies off to see Cat. After Cat calls to come see her, she teaches her a lesson in trying to label her and throws her off the building before catching her before she falls as an audience watches them as she tell her she is the most powerful person not her. The DEO learns that the red Kryptonite was created my Maxwell Lord. He supposedly wanted to use it as a trap for Non but Supergirl walked into it instead. Likely story. 

Cat announces Supergirl as a villain and unfriendly to National City, while Alex goes to try and find her sister. Kara burns her old outfits and monologues about how Alex has tried to keep Kara from shining and she hates Kara, which is why she killed her aunt. It seems there is some bitter resentment that Kara has held back. 

Alex gets the antidote from Maxwell Lord. and goes after Kara who is terrorizing the citizens of National City. Hank transforms into the Martian Manhunter to stop Supergirl from killing Alex. Together they hit her with the antidote and stop her but Hank is found out and taken away in handcuffs. 

Kara goes back to herself, but is riddled with guilt for all the people that she had hurt, including Alex, who like all good sisters forgives her. Hank is now being held at the DEO for being an alien and his fate is left up in the air. 

Hank is no longer in charge now that he reveals himself as an alien. The episodes left him locked up in the DEO on Senator Crane’s orders. Will Alex now take over or will Hank win the trust of the Senator and gain back his position? Although he helped create the antidote to stop Supergirl, now that Maxwell Lord knows what the effects of Red Kryptonite do to Supergirl, it’s unlikely that he won’t try to use it again or that Red Kryptonite won’t show up again to mess with our heroine. 

James and Kara’s relationship isn’t as tight as it was either. After her outburst at the club about how she didn’t like Lucy, James felt that part of her really does hate her. Kara tries to apologize and let him know how she feels, but he refuses to hear it. Of course this is just another conflict to extend their will they/won’t they relationship, probably till the end of the season. 

This was hands down one of the best episodes of the season yet. Kara is always trying to do the right thing and be a better person. In this episode, Melissa Benoist gets to show off another side of Supergirl, her dark, angry side that can’t always be perfect and will make mistakes. It will be interesting to see how the outcome of her actions will affect the rest of the season and her relationships with not only her friends and her sister, but also with National City itself.

Written by Carly B., SUPERGIRL Beat Writer -- Click to read Carly's posts.

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