Spider-Man Fans, Please Tell Me Why You Like His Iron Spider Suit So Much

Editorial: I cannot remember the exact Spider-Man issue I first read as a kid but it was at some point in the mid-to-late 80s when I was between 8-12 years old. So I've been a Spider-Man fan for a long time and I've loved his many incarnations from his earliest days in the 70s to Ultimate Spider-Man in the early 2000s as well as the movies, cartoons and the 80s television series.

In other words, big Spider-Man fan here just like millions of my fellow Spider-Man fans.

But there is one thing that I still don't understand when it comes to the Wall Crawler and that is the fandom that surrounds his Iron Spider suit. First, let me quickly recap those who may not be familiar with the Iron Spider suit.

First appearing in 2006 in Amazing Spider-Man No. 529 this suit was a gift from Tony Stark to Peter Parker with the same color scheme of Iron Man's own suit of armor. Parker discarded the Iron Spider suit when he swapped sides in Marvel's Civil War comic book event going from #TeamIronMan to joining #TeamCap.

A fitting reference with CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR releasing in just a few weeks on May 6, for sure. And now that Robert Downey Jr. will be in SPIDER-MAN: HOMECOMING means the rumor mill will begin churning out claims that Stark could present Parker with an Iron Spider suit in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, too.

Parker discarding Stark's Iron Spider suit annoyed Tony to the point where he made a bunch of the suits, and gave them to a team called the Scarlet Spiders, who were meant to supplement Spider-Man after he sided with Captain America during the Civil War comic event.

The Iron Spider suit has many of the same powers and abilities as Stark's Iron Man suit as well as mechanical "spider-arms" that are sort of like the Doc Ock arms.

So now comes my question to you... why all the fan love for this suit? I love me some Spider-Man but I've never loved or even liked the Iron Spider suit. What am I missing here?

Please tell me why you love the Iron Spider suit in comments below because I'm very curious what you have to say and share about this suit. Educate me and maybe, just maybe, I'll begin to see the light and start to like the Iron Spider suit. (Unless there are no comments then I guess I'll never learn to become a fan of this suit.)

And please keep the comments clean otherwise they will be appropriately moderated and deleted. Thank you.

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