Mark Ruffalo May Have Revealed a HELA Plot Point in THOR: RAGNAROK

***This post may contain a SPOILER for THOR: RAGNAROK.***

***You've been warned.***

Last week Marvel Studios confirmed their stellar cast of heroes and villains for THOR: RAGNAROK. Headlined by new additions Jeff Goldblum (as the Grandmaster) and Karl Urban (as Skurge, the Executioner), two-time Oscar winner Cate Blanchett with be the studios' first female main villain as the evil Hela.

While speaking with ET Online, Mark Ruffalo, who will reprise his roles as Bruce Banner and the Hulk in THOR: RAGNAROK, teased Hulk in the upcoming film.

"It's an intergalactic buddy road movie with Banner and Thor. I think it will be smashing. You'll see a lot more Hulk. The Hulk gets Hulk-ier. The Hulk Hulks out. Hulk-ier and bigger." 

This isn't the first time Ruffalo has teased a "buddy road movie" as he mentioned it earlier this year, in January.

But Ruffalo also teased Hela and one thing he said is less of a teaser and more of a reveal about the evil and powerful female villain.

"She plays the worst of the worst. So evil. She is going to kill us. It's such a great part she gets to play."

If you're a comic book reader, then this shouldn't be much of a reveal and this may have been assumed the moment Hela was confirmed to be in Ragnarok. Hela is the ruler of the dead in the realms of Hel and Niffleheim so a quick guess as to what Ruffalo is referring to seems like both Thor and Hulk will in fact "be killed" by Hela and might have to fight their way back out of Hel in order to stop her.

Regardless of our guess as to what Ruffalo means with his tease, it is only making the possibilities in THOR: RAGNAROK that more interesting and exciting. Watch the interview video in the embed below.