ROGUE ONE: A STAR WARS STORY Reportedly Set For Reshoots But Probably Not For Sensationalist Reasons

By now you should know how it is normal for studios to plan and schedule to have their big budget tentpole movies to have reshoots. And by now online users should also know that some websites and blogs will sensationalize a reshoots report into sounding like the production is in trouble.

The latter seems to be the case in a new report over on the tabloid site PageSix, who claim Disney executives are allegeldy unhappy about ROGUE ONE: A STAR WARS STORY so they've scheduled up to four weeks of reshoots starting in July because an earlier cut of the film isn't testing well. Here's what their "source" said:

"One Hollywood source told us, 'The execs at Disney are not happy with the movie, and ‘Rogue One’ will have to go back into four weeks of expensive reshoots in July.'"

However, at the very end of their post they quote a "Disney source" who tells them what is most likely the real truth about ROGUE ONE going into reshoots.

"A Disney source added, 'The filmmaking team and the studio always anticipated additional shooting and second unit work to make the film the absolute best it can be, and the actors were aware there would be additional shooting. Coming off The Force Awakens, there’s an incredibly high bar for this movie and we have a responsibility to the franchise and to the fans to deliver the best possible movie we can.'"

Burying this quote at the very end of this report sounds like a tabloid site trying to hide the truth away from their sensationalism. A headline just stating that ROGUE ONE is going into reshoots doesn't get as much web traffic as a claim stating that its going into reshoots because the movie is in trouble.

Sure, this is just The Daily SuperHero's own assumption which can sound like an attempt at de-sensationalizing this report but reshoots are done for good reason. And that is to fix scenes that missed a shot, or to fix bad lighting, or create a better flow for important plot sequences, or any number of other problems that do arise during the editing process. All of which is normal when it comes to the way Hollywood works.

"Fear is the path to the Dark Side" and there is no reason to fear a highly anticipated movie going into reshoots to make it the best movie it can be before it releases over six months from right now.

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