Why Warner Bros., DC Films and the DCEU Need More SUPERMAN

Ever since BATMAN V. SUPERMAN: DAWN OF JUSTICE debuted to less than stellar reviews, DC Films seems to be shifting their focus away from the Superman onto the Dark Knight and his rogue’s gallery. This is not necessarily a bad thing, Batman has been their moneymaker for years and there are still a ton of stories to explore in the Batman universe. The potential issue that this creates for fans: Does more Batman come at Superman’s expense? Is there room for the two heroes to co- exist on equal terms in the DC Extended Universe (DCEU)? 

We are two movies into the DCEU and have barely even scraped the surface of potential for Henry Cavil’s Superman. At the end of MAN OF STEEL we were just starting to see flashes of Superman / Clark Kent and the hero he would become. Unfortunately, Superman did not really progress much in BATMAN V. SUPERMAN as his character development was put on hold in favor of spectacle and world building. If this trend continues, one of the greatest heroes in the DC comic book universe might get pushed to the wayside. Superman is simply too important to the Justice League and means to much to the fans for this to happen.

The Superman symbol is one of the most recognizable symbols on the planet, and for good reason. Everything that Superman stands for — truth, justice and the American way — along with the meaning of that “S” on his chest (hope) is exactly what was missing from the dreary BATMAN V. SUPERMAN. These dark and shadowy themes work for Batman but traditionally Superman’s films have been about something different. Many critics and fans are calling for a lighter tone and that’s what Superman can bring to the table, if handled correctly. This does not mean DC Films need to completely copy Marvel Studios' tone, it is possible to present a message of hope without turning into a Disney movie. 

Another sign that Warner Bros. might be dialing back on the Last Son of Krypton is that there is currently no MAN OF STEEL sequel on the slate of upcoming movies. While there are still untitled movies that could possibly become a sequel, the future of Superman solo movies is up in the air. The DCEU needs to have Superman share the spotlight with the rest of the league,  he needs to bring back the heart pounding rescues and show the true optimism he inspires. If they really let Superman loose and allow the character to be who he is, his popularity could easily soar to the same heights as Batman, Iron Man as well as Captain America. They need another truly marketable character so it doesn’t make any sense to give up on Superman just yet.

In an ideal world, all members of the Justice League’s solo films would be hits and the characters would become extremely popular. Of course that doesn't always work out. Though Batman has been dominating DC movies for years, Superman and Batman should both be a part of the foundation that the rest of the DCEU is built.

Recently, Warner Bros. has given fans a glimmer of hope by naming DC CCO Geoff Johns as their co-runner of DC Films to help oversee the cohesiveness and character development of its heroes and villains. So far, he has been saying all the right things about Superman, and Johns’ track record as a DC executive and creative demonstrates he understands the character. This has really been the first positive Superman news since Snyder’s DC movies came out, hopefully it's a sign Warner Bros. is listening and taking steps to keep Superman front and center.

Written by Tim Miller, DC Films Correspondent -- Click here to read Tim's posts

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