LEGENDS OF TOMORROW Season 2 Episode 2 Review: Find the Hero Within

When the Legends came together in 2016 they weren’t exactly the heroes anyone would have expected. They employed assassins and thieves. They didn’t follow the rules. And no one really listened to anything Rip said. But over time (and possibly all throughout it) saving the day (finally) became their M.O. 

So when they came head to head with the Justice Society of America (JSA), it never occurred to them that their encounter would be anything more than a high five and a thank you for the day’s work. 

But predicting the future is shockingly not what the Legends are good at. 

Picking up right where Episode 1 left off, the Legends found themselves more in the dark than ever before. Literally. With the help of Obsidian, a member of the JSA , the world is cast in darkness leaving the two teams to fight in the dark. And fight they do. 

It quickly becomes apparent by the way they move that the JSA is a far superior team to our Legends (did anyone else fanboy/girl out as bad as Ray at their skills, because WHOA). Well in tune with their powers and each other, the JSA makes quick work of their adversaries, taking the Legends prisoner in what might be the most secure of any of the CWTV heroes’ hideouts (How many strangers walk into STAR Labs on the daily?). 

In an action not surprising to anyone, the Legends instantly begin arguing with each other as soon as they are locked up, something the JSA continues to point out throughout the show. This parallel of the teams seems to be the main premise of this week’s episode. What makes a hero, or team of heroes, worthy of that title? And who serves as the hero gatekeeper? 

For the JSA, the evidence against the Legends mounts quickly. Their tale of time travel seems too thin, especially when JSA leader, Rex Tyler, the man who set the Legends on their mission, has no memory of ever meeting them. Because of this, and their less than heroic behaviors, Vixen has an instant distrust of them. And the Legends are quickly sent packing. 

Once back on the Waverider the Legends bicker (shocker) about how to handle their future. After an awkward exchange with Rex where it‘s assumed that Stein (not the speaking Sara) should be addressed as their leader, the team realizes maybe that’s what is keeping their team so individualized. Maybe they need to let someone step up in Rip’s absence before they destroy themselves and all of history. Without much actual discussion, Stein is given command, against Jefferson’s wishes, and it’s decided that the first order of business needs to be to check on Nate. 

Somehow Sara must draw the short straw because she’s the one comforting Nate after his not so happy reunion with his grandfather, Commander Steel. To which Sara, with her wonderful bedside manner, lets him know that meeting our idols is often disappointing. It’s in that moment, that Nate realizes his grandfather’s dog tags, like his past, are suddenly gone. 

Something has changed. 

In a Back to The Future style moment, the Legends must return back to 1942 once more in attempt to stop the JSA from being wiped out. 

What’s that you say? The Legends have to save the JSA? But I thought they weren’t really heroes? I thought the JSA didn’t need them. Well, that’s accurate. 

Which is why when the Legends appear in a Nazi bar where Vixen is undercover to find out who she needs to stop to keep a super soldier serum (or a bio-medicinal enhancer as Ray later corrects, because this isn’t Captain America) from getting into the hands of the Fuehrer, she’s far from happy to see them. And even though she and the JSA seem adamant they don’t need the Legends help, it’s Nate that finds the information they need, including intel on the Askaran Amulet, a mysterious item that the team must find before it can be used. 

Though, to be fair, it is the JSA that ultimately ends the bar fight that the Legends start (A bar fight? The Legends? Never!). 

As the mission continues, so do the conversations about what it means to be a hero. As Stein spirals out of control, unable to handle the pressure of making tough calls. Jefferson corners him to remind him that he knows Stein’s mind and can tell he isn’t prepared for his role. Meanwhile on the opposite end of the Waverider, Sara has discovered that Nate’s a hemophiliac, which in Sara’s eyes means he’s a liability, because “out here even the bravest and strongest die.” And it’s not just the Legends serving truth burgers and insults. In a much harsher conversation, Vixen makes it very clear to Ray that he, and his teammates, are not heroes. While Commander Steel let’s his grandson know that the reason he works as a hero is so that people like Nate won’t have to. 

Despite the JSA obviously not believing in the Legends capabilities, a joint task force is sent out to retrieve the amulet. But due to Stein’s inability to think tactically, Vixen and Ray are taken prisoner by a Nazi squadron. 

Not living up to someone else’s expectations of a hero doesn’t seem to stop Ray, who doesn’t even hesitate to attempt to save Vixen’s life the second the opportunity presents itself. Feigning an attempt to improve the Nazi’s super serum, Ray uses his freedom to bust Vixen and him out of custody. As he’s about to use the serum to give himself the strength to get the two powerless heroes out of prison, the Legends (under the direction of their new leader Sara, can I get a hell yeah!) and the JSA show up. Ray gives Nate the serum and the chance to save the day. And finally our legends actually get to prove that they too can be heroes when given the chance. 

But all that is built can easily be washed away. And our closing sequence sets us up for just that. Rex is alone in a room locking away the amulet, when Thawne comes zooming in taking what he’s after and Rex’s life in one swift movement. It’s Rex’s last words to Vixen (the one who trusts our Legends the least) that set us up for a dark future for this partnership. “Time. Traveler.” 

There’s no getting around who Vixen will assume is behind Rex’s death (because what’s the likelihood of another time traveler in 1942). And there will be no love lost when she gets her moment with the Legends. With Sara in control will the Legends be able to keep a cool head long enough to figure out who is really behind Rex’s death or will her defensive nature put them at odds again instantly? It’s definitely been a rocky start for our two teams, but with the Legion of Doom building a team (and possibly an army) of their own, it’s seems like no matter how you define the word, a hero is definitely what the Legends and JSA are going to need.

Written by Shannon Brewer, LoT Beat Writer -- Click to read Shannon's posts

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