The new year brings seven new super hero movies to theaters. One is a non-canon animated LEGO Batman adventure, one is part of Fox's X-Men movie universe, two are entires to the DC Extended Universe (DCEU) and three are based within the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
After sitting through the holiday season and thinking about how I would rank my excitment level for these seven 2017 super hero movies, here's how it went.
Right off the bat I'll get some hate for this but I am least excited for JUSTICE LEAGUE because director Zack Snyder's takes on MAN OF STEEL and BATMAN V. SUPERMAN have burnt me out of his vision and style; remember, it's a personal preference thing. However, I will say that I do enjoy the actors who portray Wonder Woman, Batman and Superman and I would be lying if I didn't say that the one thing I am excited for in JUSTICE LEAGUE is to see actor Jason Momoa as Aquaman. Fingers crossed for you Momoa.
I love Hugh Jackman as Wolverine and have since Day 1, so it's really sad to see him go after LOGAN. Side Note: Hopefully, he will reconsider his mutant retirement now that Ryan Reynolds has gone public telling the world he really wants a DEADPOOL / WOLVERINE movie.Not knowing or seeing much for LOGAN is not helping my excitement level so I'm hoping this will translate into be pleasantly satisfied when watching from my theater seat.
Look, I've been a fan of Spider-Man since I can remember. I loved watching the live action Spider-Man television series as any other kid of the 80s did. But the fact remains that this is the sixth Spider-Man movie since 2002. That's six Spidey films in 15 years. That's a lot.Because the last three Spider-Man movies continued the trend of being worst than the last one, I have a hard time getting excited regardless of Marvel Studios' influence. I have no doubt this movie will be great fun but my hope is for my passive excitement level leading to a much better movie experience. By the way, I loved Spidey's introduction in CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR. Loved. It.
After her debut in BATMAN V. SUPERMAN, I've been on board for Diana Prince's first solo movie. In my opinion, Gal Gadot's mysterious presence and badass reveal were the best parts of Dawn of Justice. And based on her solo movie trailers it looks like she is being set-up as the DCEU's version of Captain America. Which is the perfect approach for her on the big screen.
You had me right when it was announced Hulk would be in Ragnarok.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: This movie has the makings of being the best Batman movie ever. I made THE LEGO BATMAN MOVIE my boldest 2017 box office prediction stating it will bring in over $1 billion worldwide. (If MINIONS can do it, an animated LEGO Batman can do it too.)
Hands down my most anticipated super hero movie for 2017. I grew up on Star Wars in the early 80s so the first GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY movie was very special for me because, as an adult, I was able to go back and feel like I was a kid again watching Star Wars for the first time. Only a truly special special movie could do that and Volume 2 looks like more of the same and then some. Oh yeah... and Baby Groot because it's Baby Freakin' Groot!Written by Daniel Wolf, Founder and Publisher