The Academy is Still Failing to Recognize Movie Stunt Teams With an Oscar and it is Pathetic

The Golden Globes have come and gone as well as the Screen Actors Guild Awards. Next up is the Oscars, but there is still a huge problem with the Academy because of its lack of honoring those who put their lives on the line for our entertainment... movie stunt teams.

Think about when you see set photos for your favorite super hero movies and you see a lead actor on set hanging out with their stunt double. That stunt person puts himself, or herself, in harms way every day they are at work on a movie set. Sure, some lead actors do lots of their own stunt work, but not all of it. The most dangerous stunts are reserved for the highly skilled stunt heroes.

Stunt people may not be known by name, but they are the heart and soul of so much entertainment that is enjoyed while in your theater seat or on your couch at home. Yet, they get no love from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences even though the Emmy's and Screen Actors Guild recognizes them at their respective award ceremonies.

It is well overdue for the Academy to follow through and make this become a reality. Whatever is holding them back, they need to move forward and do the right thing because without stunt performers movies would be less fun, less exciting and less entertaining.

This is not the first time this has been a story and it won't be the last. In 2015, the LATimes featured veteran stuntman Jack Gill and his pursuit of getting the Academy to recognize stunt work. That was two years ago and still there is no Oscar award for them which is pathetic. (It's worth the read, click here.)

Since 2000, the Taurus World Stunt Awards have honored these brave men and woman while the Academy shuns them. proudly supports these men and woman and we will continue to talk about this issue moving forward every year we are in existence. Hopefully the Academy will make this a reality sooner than later because so much blood and sweat have been given to the Movie Gods to entertain us all and it is long overdue for the Academy to honor these stunt heroes.