LEGENDS OF TOMORROW Season 2 Episode 16 Review: Doomworld - The Legendary New Reality

When reality is altered you expect major changes. Like Thawne being the one to open the show explaining who he is and how he’s in control of the world. Okay, maybe that’s not the most major change ever, but it definitely set the tone for what was about to come. 

So what does Doomworld (does that sound like a really amazing theme park to anyone else? Just me? Cool) look like? Well, for one Damien Darhk is back in a position of power…with powers. He’s on a warpath to kill every vigilante he’s crossed paths with (and some new ones suiting up for the first time. Would’ve loved to seen Felicity actually get to do something, but hey at least she finally got a costume). Of course, Darhk isn’t one to get his hands dirty so he has his own henchmen, (henchwomen?), in Sara and Amaya (talk about double trouble). 

But wait there’s more! Doomworld isn’t home to just one evil mastermind. You also have Merlyn’s alternate reality, which is quite simple. He really just wants to have a family who loves him (talk about forced family fun time… again. Merlyn really has a problem with this). 

Thawne is ruling the world, and actually doing some good (like solving global warming), but he’s also playing with the Legends as if they are marionettes putting Stein in charge of building a secret reactor and Jax in charge of being an epic bully. Also Ray’s a janitor with a Good Will Hunting kind of vibe, though he’s not aware of why he’s so smart. 

And then there’s Snart and Rory back together again, which should warm my heart but Captain Cold isn’t known for giving warm fuzzies. Though I do love the Prison Break joke. They never get old. Especially with the new season just a few weeks away. But tensions between the once inseparable team seem high, especially when Nate shows up at Thawne’s office claiming reality has been changed and Thawne turns to Snart and Rory to take him out. 

As assumed Rory really was the key to saving our crew. And when he saves Nate instead of killing him, the battle to put things back the way they used to be begins. 

Rory takes Nate to Janitor Ray’s house telling him that if anyone can save the world it’s going to be him. Turns out Rory is actually right as Ray has inexplicably built a reality manipulating gun that can set the Legends minds back to the way they should be. Rory decides to test it on Nate, who starts a series of events I like to call “People Punching Rory” when his memories return. 

Snart goes to Darhk and Merlyn to tell them about Rip and how they need to get rid of Thawne, because Speedsters, am I right (jk Barry! Call me)? Darhk sends Sara and Amaya after the boys (which is really stupid if you don’t want them back together, but no one listens to the voice of reason when it’s Merlyn). 

The guys are able to save Sara, but Amaya escapes and heads back to Darhk’s office. Sara goes with her usual plan of going undercover and hoping no one catches on, but if there’s one thing Darhk is good at it’s noticing when any little thing is different. And he manipulates her into making herself known by discussing what it was like to kill Laurel (her forever weakness). 

Just as Amaya is about to kill Sara, Sara shoots Amaya with Ray’s gun (hahaha ray gun), and her memories come crashing back. Best part of this scene, and definitely line of the night (I think. It’s so hard to pick one when the Rogues are running the show, especially Snart, King of One Liners), is Snart calling Darhk out on his villianing, “Really? Now’s the time for a bad guy monologue?” And when Sara obviously gets away, Merlyn gets the great retort of “For what it’s worth I thought it was a good bad guy monologue.” Man, why can’t we really let the villains run the world…or at least write its dialogue?! 

The team is able to bring Jax back onto the good side, but unfortunately Stein finally growing a spine to fight against the bully Jax was. They figure out Thawne is trying to destroy the Spear so no one else can alter reality from the world he’s created. When they go to stop him, Sara benches Rory saying they can’t trust him since he’s already turned on them…more than once (though to be fair, he’s also the one who saved them so in this reality he’s 1-0). 

Rory does what you’d expect and goes back to Snart. He tells him what Thawne is planning and the non-speedster members of the Legion decide to take Thawne down and get the Spear for themselves. 

With the Ray gun broken by Stein there’s no way to recover his brain and therefore no way to shut down the reactor. Thawne is seconds away from throwing the Spear into it when the Legion shows up. A big show down begins where Legends take on Legion members (a preview for the finale no doubt), and everyone attempts to stop Thawne. 

In a crescendo moment of whose side is he really on, Rory ends up with the Spear. Snart talks down to Rory trying to get him to hand it over, and for possibly the first time Rory notices that while Snart uses words like “partner” he speaks to him like a pet. 

Rory throws the Spear to Amaya who begins the incantation, but this Snart’s heart is long since iced over and he freezes Amaya before she can even get half the words out. Snart breaks Amaya (with an epically cold line about Rory loving her to pieces), causing Rory to actually raise his gun to Snart (not that he’d fire it). 

But it doesn’t matter who beats who or who gets the Spear because at the end of the day Thawne is a speedster and they simply can’t stop him (he built the world, he kind of made sure of that). 

So as the Legends and Legion stand-off, Thawne does what he does best, he runs. And in the blink of an eye the Spear is destroyed and reality is cemented in Doomworld forever. 

Shockingly he doesn’t kill them, even after all his talk about how infuriating it is for Merlyn to be right that he should’ve when they got there. But he does make it clear even the Legion is removable at any time. 

With the Spear gone, the situation looks bleak, but Sara suddenly remembers something they all forgot…they’re time travelers. And though it breaks all the rules, though time may fold in on itself, though Rip is in a Waverider the size of a toy baking cakes, the team must go back to the moment the Legion got the Spear and destroy it. 

Next week’s finale is going to be a doozy. There will be more than one set of Legends, a disjointed Legion, and a whole lot of time to rewrite. But the most important question remains…will there be cake?

Written by Shannon Brewer, LoT Beat Writer -- Click to read Shannon's posts

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