The happiness is short lived as Winn finds that Cadmus is moving something from their facility. Supergirl and Hank fly to the location and find Jeremiah in a moving truck and bring him to the DEO.
Jeremiah explains how he was forced to work on Cyborg Superman and that Cadmus is trying to release a nuclear bomb and destroy national city
Mon-El has a hard time believing it was this easy to save Jeremiah, especially after he says he wants to come back to the DEO. He makes that known at the dinner party which upsets all of them. When Jeremiah walks him out, he reveals he knows his true identity. And mentions how Kara wouldn't like the truth, in not so veiled threat.
Mon-El gets help from Winn who sees Jeremiah trying to break into the DEO mainframe. He claims he was just trying to look into past cases which makes Alex turn her wrath on Kara for questioning him. As much as I like Alex, it's hard to believe she would be so blind.
Winn finds the radiation signature of the “bomb”. However, when Kara and Alex arrive with a team, there is nothing there. Jeremiah slips out at which point Hank realizes that Mon-El was right. Jeremiah, now showing his Cyborg arm, attacks Hank and Winn and breaks into the DEO mainframe.
Winn, being the smartest as usual, hid a tracker on Jeremiah who leads them to Lillian and Cyborg Superman. They already expect that and blow up the rails on the train making Kara rush to save them. Alex is left alone with Jeremiah who claims that he betrayed them for her. She lets him go, not being able to bring herself to shoot him.
Alex and Kara take their father’s betrayal the hardest and each find comfort in Mon-El and Maggie. Their mourning is stopped by Winn’s call that Jeremiah stole the National Alien Registry.
I'm glad they're finally including Jeremiah into this season. It's been a long time coming and we finally got a good episode for him. I'm only hoping he truly has a good reason for betraying his family for Cadmus. I'm disappointed that so many people Alex, Hank, etc just blindly trusted Jeremiah with full security clearance? Really? A little out of character.
With Jeremiah knowing who Mon-El is, does that mean that Cadmus does as well? Jeremiah was being very cryptic. I'm not thinking he's so much just royalty anymore as maybe a previous dictator or something. I'm looking forward to them wrapping that up after all the hints being dropped.
Next week we see the aftermath of Jeremiah’s betrayal with all the aliens being kidnapped by Cadmus. Hopefully, Jeremiah is a good man and isn't truly going along with Lillian’s plan to eradicate alien life.
Written by Carly B., SUPERGIRL Beat Writer -- Click to read Carly's posts
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