SDCC 2017 Art: DEADPOOL End Credits Creator Justin Harder Hooked Me Up With This Star Wars Mash-Up

San Diego, Cali. -- Comic-Con 2017 has come and gone (sniff, sniff) and part of the excitement of the event beyond the stars, movies, TV shows, panels and everything else offered there is to meet, chat with and get artwork from hundreds of the artists in attendance.

Going into SDCC, I saw that DEADPOOL movie credits creator and artist Justin Harder was bringing a one-of-a-kind Deadpool and Star Wars mash-up featuring the Merc With a Mouth and Greedo in the Mos Eisley Cantina scene.

On Wednesday's Preview Night, I made my way over to Justin's booth in the Small Press section to unfortunately learn that I was too late and it sold. To say I was sad was an understatement, but after chatting with Justin for a few minutes an offer was made for him to make me another one albeit a little bit different so it too would be a one-of-a-kind piece.

The concept was the same with Deadpool standing sitting in for Han Solo and Greedo already shot. We collaborated a bit — after Justin suggested different dialogue from the other one that sold with something along the lines of the "brown pants" joke in the movie — and we came up with Deadpool saying, "You shat first." Plus, a little bit of poo dribbling out of Greedo's pants.

An absolutely fantastic Deadpool tribute to this classic Star Wars moment that has been debated since creator George Lucas decided to change who actually shot first in the Special Edition release. I couldn't be more happy with this one-of-a-kind art piece and here is it in all its awesomeness!!

A huge thank you and shout out to Justin to taking the time to do this during the insanely busy time that is Comic-Con.

Please make sure you follow Justin on Twitter (@clausstudios), Like him on Facebook and check out his website

Thanks again Justin, I will be back to see you next summer at SDCC 2018 for another one of your Deadpool mash-up masterpieces.

Written by Daniel Wolf, Founder & Publisher