The episode opened by reestablishing where everyone ended up on the ship. Simmons was busy playing pet with Cassius, Coulson, Mack, and Yo-yo were working salvage for Grill, Daisy was stuck with Deke, and May was just kind of floating around with Tess. I’m not sure what’s going on with May at the moment, she was stuck in the exchange originally, but now she’s working with Tess and Grill seems pretty okay with that. Weird, since he was super suspicious of Coulson and the others when they first showed up.
Most of the stories intersected throughout the episode, all with the goal of breaking Simmons out of her prison. Her storyline was the most separated, as she worked to help train an Inhuman to properly use her powers. It was fun to see that Cassius’ persona of beauty and richness was all a persona. In reality he’s low on the social food chain and is desperate for everyone’s approval. It was great to see everyone else treat him like he’s dirt on their shoe. Despite that, we didn’t get any more information on what’s going on, except that there’s a remote that can control whatever liquid is preventing her from hearing anything except Cassius’ voice. I’m sure that will come into play later on.
The main thrust of the episode was spent on getting the Kree tablet back and finding out more about Virgil’s notebook. While Coulson was interested in figuring out the mystery of what happened to them, he appeared to be more accepting of the idea that they may not get back home. May on the other hand, had no plans to stick around. She was happy to help people, but then she was going on. Thankfully for her, it seems like the breadcrumbs are being laid.
The big thing for Coulson and company this week was a note that Virgil had left in his notebook. Something about sector 616 (also the name of the universe mainline Marvel comics take place, in case you were wondering) being of interest to him. It’s a good thing that Tess conveniently brought alone Virgil’s prize little globe because just so happened to have a key hidden inside it!
Coincidences aside, the key led to the discovery of a HAM radio that can communicate with people down on the surface? Tess adamantly claims that people can’t be on the surface, it’s impossible to survive down there. But there were definitely voices coming through that end, asking about the delegation. So can this radio talk through time? So many questions, so few answers.
Meanwhile, Daisy and Yo-yo worked together to grab the Kree tablet and find Simmons. It was fun seeing Yo-yo use her powers to mess with the metric and give herself the freedom needed to steal the tablet. Unfortunately, it didn’t seem to do a whole lot? By the time Daisy got far enough to use it, it had gotten smashed in a fight with some Kree. But at least now Cassius has Daisy now. I’m not sure I buy that Deke sold her out, of if this was some plan of his to give her easier access to Cassius’ lair. At the same time, he’s just a pain the ass that if he was a villain, I’d enjoy watching him get his.
As an aside, there was an interesting conversation between Deke and Daisy. Around the middle of the episode Deke started to explain to Daisy the concept of the multiverse. It makes me wonder if the second pod of episodes will take place in different universe than the one we’ve known the show (think of the mirror universe from Star Trek). The biggest reason I could that not being the case is that they already did something similar with the Framework storyline. But it was an interesting idea to introduce. Maybe this timeline they’re in is actually an alternate timeline where the Avengers failed to defeat Thanos? Because even Daisy admits that she isn’t powerful enough to crack a planet. That looks something Thanos could do with an Infinity Gauntlet. I hope that’s the case, it would be nice to see them tie the show back to the movies for the largest event in the whole MCU.
Written by Peter Freeman, AGENTS OF SHIELD Beat Writer
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