Wrap Party: Worst Moments in 2017 Superhero Movies

With 2017 rapidly coming to a close it is time to look back at the past year. Welcome to the second annual DailySuperHero.com wrap party!

These were the worst things in superhero movies in 2017:

Warner Bros. Can't Escape Their CG Villain Rut

In WONDER WOMAN it was the abomination that was Ares, and in JUSTICE LEAGUE it was Steppenwolf. Warner Bros. and DC Entertainment can't seem to escape the CG villain rut they are stuck in and this makes four movies in a row using a CG big bad for the final battle. Only MAN OF STEEL used an actual actor for General Zod, and he has (by far) been the best villain the DCEU has seen thus far.

Star-Lord and Ego "Super Saiyan" Battle

GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL. 2 was a blast, although maybe not as fun as its predecessor. Yet, the final battle between Star-Lord and Ego felt a little too over-the-top. Sure, it's supposed to be weird sci-fi space opera fiction, but having both Star-Lord and Ego do their own impression of an epic Dragonball Z battle became a bit cheesy.

Superman's CG'ed Face

You've heard the story how actor Henry Cavill had a mustache that had to be removed via CG for JUSTICE LEAGUE reshoots, but to start off the movie with it was a bad call. In fact, what should have happened was adding scenes of Superman in his black suit with a full beard was the right move. It's much easier to let Cavill keep his mustache and add a fake beard than it obviously is to try and remove a full mustache. 


There was a lot of hype leading into the release of THE LEGO BATMAN MOVIE. Especially after THE LEGO MOVIE was such and big hit and having Will Arnett reprise his role as Batman should have been a huge animated win for Warner Bros. While it still made profits, it fell flat in the worldwide box office wrapping up with only $311 million on its $80 million production budget. It seems doubtful a sequel will be green lit, which is a damn shame.

The Death of Professor X

Obviously it was coming at some point as the future timeline for Fox's X-Men universe was coming to to close. But the way Professor X died was one of the worst things seen on the big screen this year because it was so jarring and very sad when for a split second you thought it was Logan who did it. Rest in Peace, Charles Xavier.

Wrap Party: Best Moments in 2017 Superhero Movies
