LEGENDS OF TOMORROW Season 3 Episode 10 Review: Constant[ine] Motion

If there’s one thing us DC-TV fans have been missing more than anything else it’s Constantine! And after the Fall finale teasing us with his return and Sara’s demon possession, the opening of the shortened second half of the season was just the satisfying experience us Legends needed. 

Spring season openers are always filled with crazy twists and a constant motion that propels us towards the epic battle or cliffhanger looming near the rapidly approaching season finale. And this Spring opener for Legends was a doozy. 

We open on Constantine attempting to exercise a demon from a little girl named Emily, who we quickly discover is actually Nora Darhk, daughter of the always annoying, never-defeatable Damien Darhk. This is the first real backstory we’ve gotten on Nora since she’s joined the show, so it’s nice to see some info on how she got to be the wicked witch she is. 

Long story short: her dad is a huge jerk, she’s in an asylum, and she’s definitely possessed by the worst of the worst when it comes to demons, Mallus. 

Constantine comes to the Legends because the demon-possessed Nora calls out Sara’s name, and he wants to warn her. Which, of course, Sara takes as an invitation to join him in the process of exercising the demon. The two of them take Leo with them on their journey and leave the rest of the team on the Waverider. 

As usually happens with the Legends, their best laid plans are the worst ideas. Sara, Constantine, and Leo try to go up against the demon-possessed Nora, only to find themselves the victims of a temporal rune and trapped in the past in what has to be the worst haunted house experience in the world. 

While they try to figure out how to get out of the past by leaving a message for the future team, the Legends still in 2017 begin to stress out about how long the mission is taking and how they haven’t heard from their Captain. One of the best parts of the show was Mick’s indirect great job at being the Captain. While he’s simply trying to get everyone out the room so he can watch a football game, he actually gives the best assignments and motivation needed to each member of the team. 

In the past, Sara is being tracked by Mallus who wants her to use for his own dark plans. Constantine tries to keep her on the run, ignoring the demon’s calls and focused on getting out of there. Or focused on him. Line of the night goes to Constantine who tries to get Sara to sleep with him in the middle of being on the run from a demon (to be fair that’s old hat to Constantine). Sara asks him if they are really that damaged, to which he responds: “I certainly hope so.” 

Recently I met someone who said the entire Arrowverse has been built on people sleeping with Sara Lance. I laughed, but they weren’t wrong. From Oliver’s choice to take her on the boat because he wanted to sleep with her to every decision made since then, so many people have been changed by the wake of Sara’s sexual exploits. It’s kind of nice to see a girl in that position for once. Sleeping with whoever she wants, whenever she wants, and walking away both learning from the experience yet not being overly attached to the person she left. And the fact that the CW doesn’t make her viewed in a negative light because of her healthy use of her body (quite the opposite actually), is wonderful. 

But I digress. Sara, being the strong, capable woman that she is, decides the only way out is to let Mallus possess her. It’s dangerous, but isn’t everything she does. She goes into the demon world where his spirit can control her, hoping to learn how to cast the time manipulation rune that Nora had cast to send them there. While there she discovers a weeping Nora who is being possessed by Mallus in the current time (and totally trashing Jitters coffee shop). Sara helps her free herself from Mallus’s hold, saving her (and Zari and Ray) from ultimate destruction. Not that it does the team any good since Nora still chooses to go with her father when he shows up to “rescue” her from the people who don’t care about her at the end. Because the guy who didn’t tell you he’s alive, who put you in an asylum, and keeps you possessed by an insanely dark and powerful demon is totally Father of the Year material. Good choice, Nora. 

Not gonna lie I kind of hope that the impact the Legends had on her will lead to her turning on Damien in the end. Someone has to be strong enough to kill him. For good. And hopefully soon. 

Sara manages to get the rune to work, saving her, Leo (who almost ended up lobotomized because he claimed to be from the future in an asylum), and Constantine. Back in the future Sara claims to be okay, but John’s parting words to Ray lets him know that the Captain is probably not in full control of her own mind. The foreshadowing for an epic moment of demon-possessed Sara was anything but subtle. 

And speaking of not-so- subtle foreshadowing, we also found out that Amaya, Zari, and Amaya’s granddaughter, Kausa, are carrying three of six very important totems. We have no clue what the others are or who has them yet, but you can bet that they are going to play a very important role in where the story goes. With Constantine also in the know of that information, we can only hope that whenever we do find out what they are and who has them that it’s Constantine that comes back to help us unite the people wearing them (because seriously these little one offs of him are just not enough…and did we need to lose Leo AGAIN). 

This half of the season may be starting late, but it’s definitely starting strong! 

Can’t wait to see where the magical adventure takes us…hopefully it’s to the final fall of Damien Darhk. A girl can dream, right? Til next week...stay legendary!

Written by Shannon Brewer, LEGENDS OF TOMORROW Beat Writer

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