Over at Kara’s, the team gets game night interrupted by a fight at their favorite alien bar. Apparently some alien chick goes nut and has to be taken down by our hero. Without any information on what made her freak out, they lock her in containment. Meanwhile, they're still working on tracking Reign and Purity and hoping that the river of blood that they found might have something to do with Pestilence.
Samantha wakes up and Lena gives her the unfortunate Jekyll and Hyde news. Samantha doesn't believe her but Lena won't let her out of her own type of containment. Samantha refuses to accept the truth. Lena even turns to James who gives her advice to show her a mirror. Figuratively, not literally.
Lena uses that to her advantage and pushes her by telling her that she will keep her from seeing Ruby. This releases Reign and Lena tapes her supervillain temper tantrum to show her the truth.
While waiting for information, Kara and Mon-El team up to train and review footage to defeat Reign. Winn even gets Mon-El’s old suit fixed so he can teach her how to use her cape in a fight.
Hank has been dealing with M’yrnn illness one step at a time. But M’yrrh has been using his telekinesis. And it has been having psychic anomalies that effect those around him. While in the DEO, Kara gets aggressive with Mon-El during training and Winn gets into a fight and pulls a gun on one of his co-workers.
Hank comes clean to Kara and admits that it's his father using a Martian practice to move his memories from his failing part of his brain to the healthy part. The only options would be to have a psychic dampener on him, which would limit his ability.
M’yrrh freaks out himself when Hank tries to talk him into using a psychic dampener. M’yrrh loses control of his power and His anger affects everyone else including the DEO agents and prisoners who get released. Kara, Alex, Mon-El and Winn work on getting control and getting psychic dampeners on their agents. After seeing all the damage he's caused, M’yrrh allows Hank to put the psychic dampener on him.
Kara’s outburst at Mon-El, fueled by the psychic anomalies, released some pent up anger and frustration over how he was a huge ass before. Mon-El doesn't defend his actions and apologizes again. Although they had a cathartic talk about their past, news of Mon-El’s and Imra’s less than romantic marriage is bound to come out.
With Lena having proof about Samantha as Reign, she's in for a fight to save her from herself. Samantha, accepting her alter ego, request that Lena keep Ruby’s location from her to keep her safe from Reign.
James and Lena are still flirting around the beginning of their relationship which may turn into something, however slowly that may take. I still have reservations about this since James can be judgmental but we will see.
We see some of what Pestilence can do in the end of this episode when Mon-El and Kara come across birds literally falling dead from the sky. There's no doubt that she's close and preparing to fight.
Written by Carly B., SUPERGIRL Beat Writer
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