Horrible Toy Company Spin Master Renews Licensing Deal with Warner Bros. and DC Comics For Action Figures
If you've been out to a retail store hunting for some DC action figures you haven't had a hard time doing so. This is quite the difference from going out toy hunting for Hasbro figures based on Star Wars and Marvel superheroes as those are pretty much sold out everywhere at brick-and-mortar (except for all the ETERNALS figures).
There is a simple reason for this and that has everything to do with the toy company Spin Master making really bad looking DC action figures. Those sections of toy shelves are seemingly always fully stocked with what the toy collecting base calls peg warmers. These are figures that aren't moving off toy shelves and sit in stores collecting dust while Star Wars and Marvel figure sections are a barren wastelands of emptiness and sold out for most skus.
Which brings me to the news today of how Warner Bros. and DC Comics has stupidly renewed their licensing deal with Spin Master and their horrible looking DC superhero action figures. This is according to toy industry website Toy Book, who writes:
"Spin Master Corp. inked a renewal of its global licensing agreement with Warner Bros. Consumer Products (WBCP) and DC to continue making toys based on Batman and DC Super Heroes for another four-year term."The collaboration began in 2018 when Spin Master signed as the toy licensee for DC in the action figure aisle, including playsets, roleplay, and vehicles in a deal spanning 2019-2022. The success of that arrangement will now extend through 2026."
This is terrible news for DC superhero collectors everywhere because Spin Master's figures, and I'll say it another time, look like trash. There's no likeness whatsoever when it comes to their movie-based figures at all and now they will continues to be peg warmers for many more years.
At least DC collectors have McFarlane Toys action figures who look way better than Spin Master's offerings. Although I personally still miss Mattel's DC action figures from when they had the license before McFarlane and Spin Master.
Finally, Spin Master is not a great company because if you do quick Google searches you will see how they prevent smaller retailers and mom and pop's shops from selling their products online as they try to enforce a strict no Amazon, no eBay, and an overall no e-commerce selling policy to small retailers. I guess they don't like to make more money by having all selling channels open for small retail and e-commerce proprietors.
I'll say it again and again and again... Spin Master is in fact a shit toy company.
Shame on you Warner Bros. and DC Comics.
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