SDCC 2024: Marvel Studios to Return to Hall H For Big Announcements and Reveals

It's that time of the year again and of course we here at DailySuperHero will be in attendance at the biggest pop culture event of the year for our 12th straight year (minus 2020-21 due to the pandemic).

So let's begin our yearly coverage with the biggest panel to be held in Hall H at San Diego Comic-Con. 

Deadline has confirmed through their sources that Marvel head Kevin Feige and team will in fact be back at Hall H next month!

Also, Feige revealed that FANTASTIC FOUR will begin filming the Monday after SDCC 2024 ends, so it should be implied that fans can possibly expect some new information about Marvel's first family. And hopefully, the biggest reveal will finally happen which is the look of and actor cast as one of Marvel's biggest and most anticipated villains.... Dr. Doom. 

Fingers crossed.
